Implus Footcare launches new sites for FuelBelt and HarbingerFitness brands

written by Nishtech


May 2017

Nish Tech is proud to announce two new site launches for the Implus Footcare, LLC., brands FuelBelt and Harbinger Fitness.  Both sites are being supported by the Sitecore Experience Platform and InsiteCommerce and are being ran in one Sitecore instance using the Sitecore Multi-site support feature.  Visitor data is being stored in the Sitecore Experience Database (xDB) to enhance the customer experience. Insite Commerce is powering the eCommerce portion of the two sites which include hundreds of products, available in a variety of colors and sizes.  There is a very strong integration between the two platforms using the Nish Tech developed Sitecore Accelerator for Integrated Commerce (SAFIC) version 2.1.  There is a single CMS and eCommerce repository across brands using SAFIC. Users are able to easily find the items they are seeking through smart content/category/product search with images.  The checkout process allows users to either have the product shipped or to find it locally at a store nearby, enhancing the shoppers buying experience.

Fuelbelt | Nish Tech | Insite B2C eCommerce | SAFIC | SitecoreHarbinger Nish Tech

Given the successful collaboration and site launches of these two sites, Nish Tech and Implus are already moving forward to design and develop more of Implus' over two dozen brands in the $1 billion footware and recreational accessory marketplaces.

About Implus

Headquartered in Durham, North Carolina, Implus is an innovative provider of products ranging from footcare and seasonal accessories to fitness and recovery solutions. Implus’ brand family includes Perfect Fitness®, Harbinger®, TriggerPoint®, Yaktrax®, FuelBelt®, Sof Sole®, Balega®, ForceField®, Little Hotties®, apara®, Airplus®, Sneaker Balls®, Sof Comfort®, Penguin®, ICETrekkers®, FitDeck®, DryGuy®, and Spenco®. Implus proudly distributes to over 75,000 retail outlets across North America and in 70 countries worldwide. For more information, please call 800-446-7587 or visit


About Nish Tech

Since 2011 Nish Tech has been a digital agency who strives to help our clients gain a competitive advantage in their industry. Using enterprise technology and big data we deliver personalized web experiences for our clients' site visitors. We focus on understanding our clients' business needs and finding ways to meet them. For more information, please visit for more information.


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