The value of a digital interaction

written by Nishtech


November 2021

What is the value of a digital interaction? That’s a common question when looking into establishing an Engagement Value Scale (EVS) to be used with Sitecore goals and analytics reports.

One common approach is to define the values between 1 and 100. Casual interactions that will build towards the goal will have lower values, while more direct interactions will have higher values.

One example of a casual interaction would be signing up for a newsletter. A little higher interaction than that would be signing up for an upcoming webinar about your product or service. The goal of your website could be requesting a demo of your product or purchasing it (in the case you have it available for sale online).

This is a sample EVS provided by Sitecore in the document "Brainstorming Digital Goals and Creating the Engagement Value Scale". 

Engagement Value Scale

Of course, this is just an example, you and your team should work together with your strategist to define your own EVS. Basically, the idea is that these values will make sense in terms of building towards the highest goal.

In terms of getting them created in Sitecore you will need to:

  1. Go to the Marketing Control Panel
  2. Right click Goals
  3. Click Insert -> Goal
  4. Give your new goal a name (example: Request Pricing)
  5. Browse down on the right side to the Data section
  6. Enter the number of points for your EVS for this goal

Engagement Value Scale goal

Once that is done, you need to deploy your goal. Then you assign it to a page where the request pricing is confirmed, for example a Thank You page for a request pricing form. Publish the page and your changes are complete.

With that in place, when your site visitor gets to that Thank You page after requesting pricing, 50 points will be added to the value of their visit.

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